As my search for a new academy started I found a place in a nearby town, unfortunately it didn’t have gi training. I did like the instructor and his school, however I had not trained in months and while I liked this academy I felt like I just needed more. Besides my Gi was collecting dust, so I decided to take a trip to Team Quest Temecula and Carlson Gracie Murrieta, first stop Carlson. I stepped in and was greeted by a warm smile, sat down and took a look at the class. It was intimidating as I hate having to start at a new academy especially in this male dominated sport. My prayers for a female at this school was not exactly answered. I decided to not step on the mat that night but I came by two nights later and I was nervous. It had been almost a year since I had trained and everything I had learned before from front rolls to side control had left my mind and was stored somewhere I at the moment had no access to.
First class , well it was a full class I got to roll with one of the academy brown belts, the mat space at this academy is awesome and I wasn’t sure about the school but I decided to take advantage of the week trial so I went everyday!! I was introduced to the owner and one of the instructors of the school, his class was different I enjoyed the instruction. He took his time to really make me feel welcomed and I have to say as a woman I appreciated that. I was asked several questions my guess he wanted to know my interest level. Which at the moment was average, I answered why I was interested , when I started, where I trained and why I am now at his school thinking about joining. I told him what my goals were at the time and was ready to try this school out.
Week trial was over and I had trained every day, I continued coming for another week. I enjoyed the instruction given here, the time the instructors took to answer questions and work with me on anything I needed my new fellow team mates, family environment, and wanting to be a bad ass ! I decided to make this my home so I signed up for a year, and so began my journey to friendships, competitions, gym, health, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.